How to upload video clips to be displayed on TV?

How to upload video clips to be displayed on TV?

If you need to play advertising video clips on TV and would like to change them rather often, the best solution is to use the Hoteza Streamer Admin.

Once the Streamer Admin feature is installed, you will get the link, your login and password from the Hoteza Manager. 

This website is designed to be accessed using Chrome only.

1. Follow the provided link to open it in a browser and enter your login and password.

After logging in you will see the list of the channels available. 

2. Go to the the Streams tab:

3. Add a new Stream by pressing +Stream:

4. To add a new video press +Video.

5. Follow the steps below in regards with the type of the video you would like to display.

Welcome Screen Video

The requirements: 1920x1080 px or 1270x720 px

In the opened window check the
'Convert video to Hoteza supported format'  box and choose the '
Full screen video' and press Upload.

Once the video is uploaded, close the window. Your video file will become visible under the Video file drop-down list. 

In the Hoteza CMS find the section Application  Edit Application Content Welcome Page and select the "Video" from the Welcome Background drop-down list. insert the path to the video you uploaded into the opened URL field in the format: /video/title.mp4.

After saving the page publish it pressing the 
Preview&Publish button.

Promo Channel Video

The requirements: 1920x1080 px or 1270x720 px

In the opened window check the 'Convert video to Hoteza supported format'  box and choose the 'Full screen video' and press Upload.

Once the video is uploaded, close the window. Your video file will become visible under the Video File drop-down list.

In order to delete the existing video press X in the drop-down list near video title. To make the video inactive, click on the video title from the drop-down list to make it white. 

In the Hoteza CMS find the section Application  TV Channels  add the new channel (+Add Channel) or select the already existing one. 

Copy the IP address (IP/Frequency) and the Port from the Streamer Admin and insert them into the corresponding fields of the Hoteza CMS. 

Fill in the rest of the fields on the page and upload the logo. 

After saving the page publish it pressing the Preview&Publish button. The updates will show up on TVs within 10 minutes. Sometimes it is required to turn the TV off and on again to see the content updated. 

Main Menu Tile Video

The requirements 

for the square tile: 640x640px H.264 MP4

For the rectangular tile: 640x352px / 640x360px H.264 MP4

Please note: only one video tile can be created on the screen due to TV-set capability.

In the opened window check the 'Convert video to Hoteza supported format' box and choose the Video for Square Tiles or Video for Rectangular Tiles according to your requirement and press Upload.

Once the video is uploaded, close the window. Your video file will become visible in the Video File drop-down list. 

In order to delete the existing video press X in the drop-down list near video title. To make the video inactive, click on the video title from the drop-down list to make it white. 

Copy the title of the uploaded video file and create the URL in the format: /video/title.mp4.

In Hoteza CMS find the previously created main menu page, which you would like to display the video clip. Insert the URL from the Streamer Admin to the Video Tile URL field.

After saving the page publish it pressing the Preview&Publish button. The updates will show up on TVs within 10 minutes. Sometimes it is required to turn the TV off and on again to see the content updated. 

If you need to remove the video, just clear the Video Tile URL field in the Hoteza CMS and press Save. Then publish the content again.

Inside the Page Video
The requirements:  640x640px H.264 MP4

In the opened window check the 'Convert video to Hoteza supported format' box and choose the Video for Square Tiles and press Upload.

Once the video is uploaded, close the window. Your video file will become visible in the Video file drop-down list. 

Copy the title of the uploaded video file and create the URL in the format: /video/title.mp4

In Hoteza CMS find the previously created Text page, where you would like to display the video clip on.

Please see how to create Text pages here.
Insert the URL from the Streamer Admin to the Video URL field on the Text Page.

After saving the page publish it pressing the Preview&Publish button. The updates will show up on TVs within 10 minutes. Sometimes it is required to turn the TV off and on again to see the content updated. 

If you need to remove the video, just clear the Video URL field in the Hoteza CMS and press Save. Then publish the content again.

Full Screen Video

The requirements: 1920x1080 px or 1270x720 px

In the opened window check the 'Convert video to Hoteza supported format' box and choose the Full screen video and press Upload.

Once the video is uploaded, close the window. Your video file will become visible in the Playlist drop-down list. 

Copy the title of the uploaded video file and create the URL in the format: /video/title.mp4.

In Hoteza CMS find the previously created Video page, where you would like to display the video clip on. Insert the URL from the Streamer Admin to the Video URL field.

After saving the page publish it pressing the Preview&Publish button. The updates will show up on TVs within 10 minutes. Sometimes it is required to turn the TV off and on again to see the content updated. 

If you need to remove the video, just clear the Video URL field in the Hoteza CMS and save the page. Then publish the content again.

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