To create and set up marketing campaign(s) go to Marketing section in the main menu of Hoteza CMS.
To create a new marketing campaign press +Add campaign button
If you want your marketing campaign not to have an end date - just press on a checkbox No end date
Status: status of marketing campaign.
Triggers: a trigger is an event that activates marketing campaign, e.g. check-in,check-out or certain days of the week. Our system has 5 types of triggers:
Notification language: Notification text and title may be defined in all languages enabled in your system. In case in your system there are 3 languages - English, Russian, Arabic and Chinese - then you may create various titles and texts for each of these languages correspondingly.
Link: some types of marketing campaign must be linked to a particular page in your system.
Can be filled optionally:
Duration: by default notifications are displayed till user reaction (till he clicks ‘See Details’ or close the banner). But you can also set notification duration in seconds or minutes.
Image: possibility to add an image which will be displayed with the text. If image is not added - only text will be shown to a guest.
Icon: possibility to add an icon which will be displayed with the text.
All your marketing campaigns may be personified, that means that messages may include guest first or last name and title. Please use variables as below: